Friday, July 8, 2011

Sizzling Saturday *New* July 09, 2011

Happy Saturday and welcome to the weekend, your day of fun in the sun and fun with family awaits you.  Enjoy it!  Take in some sun, enjoy the company of family and friends and let the good times sizzle!
Thats what Saturday is all about, allowing the time to sizzle.
Make the time away from work not just good but great!
Make the time with family not just enjoyable but memorable!
Sizzle, the sound you hear when you put that steak on the grill. Make the time with family, friends and yeah ok even if your alone, make that time sizzle.
Hey let me tell you this, times are tough, maybe you can't spend that extra dollar because its going to the light bill or the phone bill.  However, you can spend that extra minute, that extra second with the ones you care about.
With the feelings you want to feel.
With the smiles you want to give, but.....first you have to be willing to give them to yourself.
It is often said in the business world you can always tell a great company by the way they treat their employees.
Well my belief you can always tell a great person by the way he treats himself.  You can't expect to have the love for others, if you don't love yourself.

So of course this is a new post topic, on this day we are going to share with you the power of Sizzling.
Each week I will share with you a new way to look at how we act, interact and hope to get you thinking about whether you are a slow burning ember or a flame that sizzles. Maybe a little bit of both.
I love trying to set your spirit ablaze with excitement. I write each day because I want you to feel great about yourself.  Sure I don't know what your going through, unless you share it of course.  But what I do understand is my belief in God, my belief in finding the good in others and the good in oneself.

I like me, and in fact I know I could be a little better in many different ways. But if I don't find the good within my spirit how can I find it in others.

If I don't find the love in my heart for my thoughts, my beliefs and my convictions well, how can I love another.

Never does a day go by where I don't start the day with thanks to God.  It may not be an elaborate prayer with many adjectives or nouns but I do give thanks daily.

You see, I believe in the power of prayer.
The power of Gods love within our hearts.

Some of us let the noise of everyday life get in the way of our quiet moments with God but if we just too the time to STOP, PRAY and LISTEN, then maybe just maybe we would be able to put away the bad noises of our day and life.

Take the time, make the time to share quiet, reflective and grateful moments with God in prayer and reflection.

Let your faith sizzle.....
Let your love sizzle.....
Let your belief sizzle....

It all starts with you, and when we finally get that, well life will be a lot better for not just you but for those around you.

For all of you who keep coming back.... A heartfelt Thank You!
For those who found this for the first time.....thanks for stopping by, not pass it on to another and enjoy life, and enjoy making a difference.

For all Smiles sent your way today and always : )


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