Thursday, June 16, 2011

Thoughtful Thursday *New* June 16, 2011

Happy Thursday to you all! A rainy day here in the burg but it is supposed to improve as the day goes on.

How did everyone enjoy the lunar eclipse last night?  Most of the good stuff was missed by this part of the country, however the moon when it did show up in our skies was brilliant and ever so close, or so it seemed.

This day each week I want to share with you the importance of being thoughtful towards each other.

Taking the time to make a difference and share the fact that kind people do exist on this planet.

Someone who is willing to share a kind word, or have the desire to lift another spirit with a sincere smile, or uplifting, helpful action.

We can make a difference and in these times we must.

The quote that I want to share with you today is from Georg C. Lichtenberg, a German scientist, and satirist born in the mid 1700's, had written this in his writings.

To be content with life or to live merrily, rather all

that is required is that we bestow on all things only

a fleeting, superficial glance; the more

thoughtful we become the more earnest we grow.

We do grow in many ways when we do a kind thing, when we make a difference and share in the good.

It is a reality that when your helping another your also helping in a large way yourself.
You can pick up that sense of gratitude from another.  That sense that you for that one moment caused another life to breathe easier because you have lived.  What magic and what power we have within our spirit.

We only need to unleash it.

Unleash the smile and become that smile advocate willing to share.

Unleash the knowledge of feeling and becoming grateful for all things that we are blessed with.

Unleash the fact that 'your' life matters and that YOU will grow even more when another is helped along life's journey.

Thoughtful thoughts this day and every Thursday.

May your smile be shared with that beautiful person in your mirror.

May you take that beauty and share it with world.

One person at a time, one fleeting moment in life.

Take that first step and make a difference.  Its within you let it out.

Have a great day everyone : )


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