It is the intention to inspire your thoughts, to create that action within your life. Then enable you and of course give to you the power to pass it on, pay it forward and teach another for the future generations, the power of the Gratitude Attitude.
To understand why gratitude is so important in our life we should first start to look at the problems of not living with this value/emotion in our life. So with that lets begin.
The problem that we see and hear today
Maybe it is found in your own home, or your coffee shop or water cooler at work. Many of our friends, neighbors and friends, heck maybe even our family stating and sharing their frustrations about life, the political landscape, the job market, the future, our debt, and on the list can grow. They are stating one reality in their mind, how can this be fair, what about me, what about my children and their children?
How is any of this fair, why does this feel so wrong.
First lets start with the word 'fair'. Nothing in this world has to be fair and for that matter the only thing that is fair is to say that your perception of anything is your own reality and it may not even be factual.
Ok, I am sure I may have lost a few of you. But the thought here is how we talk, think and believe something to be so, does not mean it is so. So maybe this talk about fairness is really our own way of handling uncertainty.
I like to think that you can look at our present by understanding a little of our past history.
What I mean here is when you look at the last 90 years it breaks down into a sort of pattern towards our sense of entitlement and perception of said entitlement.
Back in 1920's all the way up to the late 1930's we experienced a period of hard work, fathers in the field, the factory, the mine, all going to work to provide for the family. A more simple time for sure, no t.v. or computer games or much diversion. Time for the dinner table, time for worship and a time when everyone stayed close by to share in the chores and responsibility of the family.
The next time period the 1940's to the late 1950's was a time of war, serving was an honor and family was still important as was hard work, and sharing in the countries hardships and changes that the post war caused. The population of the baby boomers was started in this period and family and hard work remained a constant.
The 1960's what can be said, and the 1970's, we had scandal's, a war that no one really wanted, some murder's of prominent leaders and a war of the races and women's rights became a buzz word. We had people protesting and running from the war where in times past they served with pride. Our family started to slip and our protests started to rage as stopped asking 'what we could do for our country' but the first sound of what is the country doing to us. Some turmoil flowed down stream and on the flow went.
The 1980's we climbed out of the turmoil and we started to focus on the word 'me' as in what is in it for me. How can I get that pool like the Jones's have or the bigger house that they have down the beaten path of life. We started to spend money whether we had it or not into the 1990's and oh how the credit markets started to churn out the plastic and credit.
The last 10 years we have seen the result of the slide in family, and in the slide of hard work. Of course we are not all to blame, corporations have moved jobs out of America and onto foreign soil and not always for the better.
It's funny we complain about import cars and the money that flows into that market but we fail to care about the TV's or the radio's that are built overseas or the thousands of customer support jobs that feed the families on much more foreign soil. Why is that when many of the import cars and trucks are built on USA soil. We tend to put blinders about all of the other products we consume and use.
The whole problem is not always as it seems in the above commentary and review. Much of the problem lies in the path that we have allowed ourselves to be led down said path. Whether it be as a willing participant or one led by marketing or just allowing our leaders to tell without much explanation what is truly good for us.
But I am not one to look at those stories with much sympathy. The focus is more on ask a better question and you will get a better answer. The question of why does this happen to me becomes, of what purpose is this to me and how can I learn from this and prevent this result from happening again.
Just a matter of our thoughts becoming things, better things than what we now behold.
The thought that we may have just lost a bit of ground in the being grateful arena over the last 90 years may just start to raise some thoughts, I hope so.
For out of the ashes of greed and abundance removed can come the sprouting of a new sense of what can be instead of what is.
Gratitude is perhaps the best tool anyone can have in distressing times or in times of pure bliss.
Without gratitude we become obsessed with the world, wanting more and the desire to possess more, control more and dictate to others what is so unfair about the present times.
That is a view, one view of course on the problem, more will rise up and become clear as we move on with this 5 part series but for its a start.
Part 2 will discuss and look into our 'old thinking' or not so old thinking of just get over it, move on, deal with it, its not rocket science. We will step into that arena next. But for now lets enjoy the rest of today.
As always smiles sent to you across the miles! Have a great day everyone!
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