A very happy Thursday to you all : ) Smiles to you and yours this day. The weather continues to be rough across the middle of the USA and today Pittsburgh may get some rough weather. Sooooo Stay safe and stay in the know.
I continue on with my week of caring and writing about our American Soldier who protects and serves us, not just because its their job but because they see it as an honor.
I commend that feeling of honor and duty.
On a personal not my dad served our country for 40 years. Most of it was with the Army Reserve but he did it with honor and respect for the flag, for the unit he belonged to, (479th Artillery) and for the country he loved. From my post a few years go I share some of his story. I hope you enjoy it again, as much as I do.
From May 25, 2009.
I wanted to do this in two parts. (I will post Part 1 later this week) One for the present and one for the past military who gave the ultimate sacrifice to their country. I am the son of one of these hero’s. My father passed away in 2002 after a long battle with COPD and a failing heart. But his heart during his 40 years of service the final 30 plus years as a member of the 479th Field Artillery Reserve Group were some of the happiest of his life. My father, Vitomier F. Yakin was an E-9 the highest rank you can reach as an enlisted soldier. He loved the uniform and he loved his country. I remember when I called him during 9 11 he was so mad after the second plane went into the tower that I knew he would have suited back up if they would have let him.
I watched over my dad the final year of his life and tried to make sure he knew that I loved him. He passed away August 22, 2002 just seven days after his 79th birthday. While arranging for his funeral I found his medals and his uniform and called over to the 99th ARCOM here in Pittsburgh to have his medals properly put on his uniform. When I opened the boxes I found the 2 purple hearts which I knew of , he incurred these during World War II one in Germany. But I also found a Bronze Star, he never spoke of it and I never knew. They adorned his final uniform with the medals with such reverence and honor. They issued an extra set of medals for my sister. My father was cremated as he wished and I have his medals still today. I will cherish them forever.
World War II Bronze Star
Purple Heart World War II
I shall never forget! I am proud of my dad! His years of service and his final service with the honor guard and the taps playing. I will never forget the hawk that circled overhead that warm sunny day in August. Sunny and warm and not a cloud in the sky!
Many of you have loved one’s that have served and passed on. They served us, gave us our freedom and with all the honor due to them, we shall never forget!
Till next time…. I know my dad above would smile! : )
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