Sunday, May 29, 2011

Sunday Prayer and Sunday Thoughts ~05/29/2011

Welcome to Sunday everyone I hope you enjoy the day and take time to give praise, share in fellowship and give thanks to those who matter most in your life.  Enjoy the day!

I continue on with a tribute to our soldiers and I do that in sharing with you the reason that we are grateful to those who protect our freedoms.

So what is our reason?  Is it our borders that we live within?  Is it the flag that we fly in our yards and in public places?  Is it our history how we have over come so many hardships and invented more ways to make our lives easier?

My thoughts on these are no.  The borders that our soldiers protect have no fences and of course we are free to roam through out the world and the nation.  These are a freedom no doubt to be proud of but it is not the core that we are grateful for.

The flag that flies high above our country, is just a symbol of our nation.  It is important of course but to give this as the reason we are grateful for our soldiers who serve us is not the true reality of it all.

The nature of our spirit to overcome hardships and our intuition to make things better is getting closer to the fact of our gratitude.  

We are a resilient nation, we help one another get through illness, hardships as in how volunteers are flocking to Joplin, MO and Tuscaloosa tornado's that have destroyed everything but the spirit of these people.

We are a nation of spirit and determination. We need to honor and give respect to our soldiers not for the borders that they protect, not for the flag that we fly under but for the spirit and beliefs that they and we all believe in.

A spirit of 'can do and will do'.

A spirit of 'praise to God' that is  above and all around that provides us with direction.

A spirit of 'free will' a spirit that God intending us all to have and a way in which we would not want any other way.  Not controlled by a government or marketing or dogma but a spirit that is controlled by our heart, and soul.

We are with out a great nation.  One nation under God.

We are a strong nation.  A nation who trusts in family, values and prayer.

These are the things that we are about.

We do however need to understand what kind of government we want going forward.
Do we want a government that is about values?

Do we want a government that helps those who want to help themselves?

Do we want a government of law and order?

I say that I do.  I want a leader that will run our country like a business, a publicly shared country that is transparency, a profit and loss statement and a balanced budget.

We are the board of directors that can fire or hire our leader and we do it with our votes.

We have to decide are we the mouse led through the maze of a higher authority?

We have to decide if we are the children of the founders of our nation who believed in freedom and law to run our government.

A video I want to share this day I hope you enjoy its message and lesson and I hope you take time to think, pray and forge ahead this day.  We united can and will make a difference.

A video and then a quote:  Enjoy!

A quote to ponder upon:
A small group of thoughtful people could change the world.
Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.
~Margaret Mead

We are that small group of today.
Think, pray, share, love, make a difference.
Stay foolish and push forward though others doubt you.
Stay hungry when others just have thirst for a better day.

Enjoy your day everyone!


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