Sunday, April 17, 2011

Sunday Prayer and Sunday Thoughts ~04/17/2011

Happy Sunday everyone! Palm Sunday in fact one week until Easter 2011.  Here is a little about the significance of the Palm and the Sunday before.

According to the Gospels Jesus rode a donkey into Jerusalem, and the celebrating people there lay down their cloaks in front of him, and also lay down small branches of trees.

The people sang part of Psalms 118: 25-26 - ... Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord. We bless you from the house of the Lord .

The symbolism of the donkey may refer to the Eastern tradition that it is an animal of peace, versus the horse, which is the animal of war. Therefore, a king came riding upon a horse when he was bent on war and rode upon a donkey when he wanted to point out that he was coming in peace. Therefore Jesus' entry to Jerusalem symbolized his entry as the Prince of Peace, not as a war waging king.

In many lands in the ancient Near East it was the custom to cover in some way the path of someone thought worthy of the highest honour. The Hebrew Bible (2Kings 9:13) reports that Jehu, son of Jehoshaphat, was treated this way. Both the Synoptic Gospels and the Gospel of John report that people gave Jesus this form of honour. However, in the synoptics they are only reported as laying their garments and cut rushes on the street, whereas John more specifically mentions palm fronds. The palm branch was a symbol of triumph and victory in Jewish tradition, and is treated in other parts of the Bible as such (e.g., Leviticus 23:40 and Revelation 7:9). Because of this, the scene of the crowd greeting Jesus by waving palms and carpeting his path with them has become symbolic and important.

In the 16th and 17th century Palm Sunday was marked by the burning of a Jack-'o'-Lent figure. This was a straw effigy which would be stoned and abused. Its burning on Palm Sunday was often supposed to be a kind of revenge on Judas Iscariot who had betrayed Christ. It could also have represented the hated figure of Winter whose destruction prepares the way for Spring.

A thought for you as you worship this week from

John 3:16 (New International Version, ©2011)

16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
The first six words say so much that we often just brush through them.
'For God So Loved The World'

The point that we are Gods creation:

Genesis 1:27 (New International Version, ©2011)

So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him;
 male and female he created them.

The whole point is that God created man in his own image, and he loved the world. He created paradise in Eden.  Gave man and women all they needed to go forth.

So if indeed we are created in the image of God and God so loved us then who are we to muster anything but love for one another.

Who are we to start with the simple word yet powerful... dislike, and let it grow to an all out hatred.  Who are we indeed to allow this to manifest in a world that God hath created.
The simple, genuine power of a smile.

The simple act of complimenting another for being a part of humanity.

The simple reward that because God loved you he gave.  God created.  God made all of this possible.

The air we breathe. The sky we look up at in times of greatness and times of trouble.  God made it possible.

Some thoughts as we go into this week of love for what God gave us.

Prayer is when you talk to God;
meditation is when you listen to God.
~Author Unknown
Many people pray as if God were a big aspirin pill;
they come only when they hurt.
~B. Graham Dienert
There come times when I have nothing more to tell God.
If I were to continue to pray in words,
I would have to repeat what I have already said.
At such times it is wonderful to say to God,
"May I be in Thy presence, Lord?
I have nothing more to say to Thee,
but I do love to be in Thy presence."
~O. Hallesby
May we all try just that.....

Ask in such a simple way... 'May I be in your presence, Lord?

I have nothing more to pray for, nothing more, but oh how I do love to be in your presence.

What a simple prayer, what a magical moment to look forward to.

Enjoy your Sunday, and cherish the reason for the season.

Steady, and with purpose go with happiness into the week!

That is my Sunday prayer for you.

Don't forget something new on Monday the Monday Minute. Looking forward to sharing it with you. Smiles sent your way!

Just a Sunday Thought and a Sunday Prayer for you.
Live your life, make a difference!
God Bless you and Till next time......Smile!!!   :  )
Stay Hungry ~ Stay Foolish
Happy Sunday everyone
Some thoughts on sharing a smile, your smile with so many who come within your circle of influence.

Till next time....share a smile, make a dream come true and make someone's else a bit happier.


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