Happy Tuesday everyone, smiles shared across the miles! We have another 86,400 seconds in this day to enjoy, make a difference for another and spread our smile and gratitude like frosting on a cake which is what each day is like, a piece of cake. We have the frosting, and we may be the frosting for that matter.
Its all what we put out each and every day, what energy/frosting we spread on the day for ourselves and others.
Do we put out doom and gloom to hide our insecurities?
Do we place out in front of us land mines to sabotage our efforts?
Self-sabotage is when we say we want something and then
go about making sure it doesn't happen.”
~Alyce P. Cornyn-Selby
The Gratitude Attitude is the one sure path to spreading a more flavorable and favorable frosting/energy on our own day/cake and the day/cake of others.
When have the gratitude in our spirit, soul, energy it flows and encompasses our every move, the reason why every move has success is because of our humbleness to ourselves and those around us.
Take the time, practice the Gratitude Attitude.
Ask better questions questions like:
What am I truly grateful for today? What about that gives me energy and promise?
How can I better utilize my gratitude to make my day more balance and every growing in the right direction.
You would not put your favorite plant in the oven and turn it up on high to watch it grow better would you ?
Then why should we mumble, stumble, complain, gripe and self talk ourselves into utter chaos?
We shouldn't and we can't do that!
Stay in that emotional state of Gratitude!
Make that daily start up a check from the neck up and thank God for another day alive and those who make your day another day to be grateful for! Enjoy your gratitude!
Happy Tuesday everyone!
May you start to develop that Gratitude Attitude
May you always stay Hungry
May you always stay Foolish
May you never struggle to live with love
It is inside of you right now that thing called love
Share it, care for it and always be grateful for it
Smiles sent your way this day and always!
Some thoughts on sharing a smile, your smile with so many who come within your circle of influence.
Till next time....share a smile, make a dream come true and make someone's else a bit happier.
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