Thursday, March 3, 2011

Thursday Theory ~03/03/11

Happy Thursday everyone! The sun shines bright outside the window here, though one step outside of the front door tells me that we are still not at spring weather yet. However I must post the spring countdown timer and here it is:

Yet another day closer yet there is increased activity among the birds and you can listen to thier song they sing each morn.

I do feel better today, no body aches, yeah! Thank you for your prayers and thoughts that you sent my way. I do appreciate them.

My Thursday Theory revolve around being hopeful. First a couple quotes:

I have seen what a laugh can do. It can transform

almost unbearable tears into

something bearable, even hopeful.”

~Bob Hope


“Amazing, isn't it, how some see the basket half empty

and others see it half full? Some see life hopeless,

some hopeful. Even when things are less than perfect,

if you can think of the good, the beautiful,

the hopeful, you'll be more than sustained,”

~Author Unknown

The magic is out there, the magic of hope. It is so powerful it can change the outcome of a persons mood, and in the end thier direction taken.

I have seen first hand those filled with despair, or worry and see no cure for what stands in thier way of success. I have also seen those with little or no chance to overcome have all the hope and faith in the world and they walk on head held high and succeed on hope and faith alone. They put themselves in the areana of hope and possibility and not in the areana of despair and failure.

We make those choices alone. We can also encourage those who just may need that push in the right direction. Not with words of hurt, or challenge but words of incouragement and hope.

With a smile, with some laughter we can change the broken hearted, those who see no light can walk with the light our smile brings, with the aura from our outlook on life.

We alone have that power to impact anothers moment.

We always have, we always will its only a choice that we need to make to help another who just may need that smile or moment of laughter.

Hopes and faith and prayer of course can move any mood to one of higher ground even from the most bottemless pit.

It gives strength to the weak.

It gives love to those alone.

It gives the giver even more.

Share the smile, share the kind word and the laughter that flows within your life. Watch those around you want to spread that joy around even more. It can happen and it will happen we just need to be that change agent.


My Thursday Theory

Enjoy your day and may it be a day filled

with smiles and magic and love!

May your smiles abound.

May your joy lift another spirit.

May you stay hungry and stay foolish!

May your heart be warmed because it always was.

Smiles sent your way this day and always!

Happy Thursday everyone! : )

Some thoughts on sharing a smile, your smile with so many who come within your circle of influence.

Till next time....share a smile, make a dream come true and make someone's else a bit happier.


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