Saturday, March 19, 2011

Saturday Morning Reflection and Projection ~03/19/11

Happy Saturday to you today! It almost seems out of place to say those words after the week that we have watched the events in Japan unfold. A week and a day this country has absorbed so much damage and hurt, destruction and pain, yet they remain focused, calm, and even respectful to each other.

We have seen time and time again in this country, anger and hatred rage out of control during the L.A. riots, floods and tornados with looting, arson and anger in our nation.

Why? How can it be another culture just acts so differently? Respectfully and honorably through out the nation.

They have class wars I am sure, upper and middle and poor. They have the same questions about their leaders and government as we do ours in times of crisis and concern yet they do it so differently.

To watch the last 8 days and see the devastation and pain is hard to watch. But yet to watch a people hang on to culture, and each other is a positive thing indeed.

Our prayers should go out to this nation and its people each morning and we should help in any way either by donation or efforts to raise money for these people. But yet our prayers should also go up to heaven with a sense that our nation can learn from these proud yet humble people. We can learn to be patient, to get along with each other no matter how hard our own life is. To empathize with each other and understand that

'but for the grace of God go I'

We are one world, with one human race to protect, to grow and to learn from. We can learn each day from the reflection that this past week has brought us. We should learn to project out into our own lives a little more patience and love.

The connection we all have is that we are really all the same.

Rich or poor we all have a responsibility to one another.

Educated or insulated we all have a shared common thread to help one another.

Through good and bad times it should not matter.

We all can make a difference for each other in some way, shape or fashion.

Just a thought to think upon this weekend.

May the good Lord keep and protect you and perhaps touch your heart to learn a little empathy towards each other.

It really does matter.

A smile, a kind word, a helping hand, an effort to volunteer to help your neighbor. It matters. It always has and always will matter.

Share that difference!

We all have that power, to make anything we truly want happen in our life and the lives of others.

Laughter, Love, Joy, Action and any Positive result that we choose and allow to come into our life. The mind that can see it, believe it can and will achieve it!

Count on it! Reflect on it! Project it into your world!

It really is not just about you and me

But a bigger picture that we pass by every day

Your greater purpose awaits not just you

But somone who you just may touch in a special way!


May you project these ideas into your day, week, month.

Spring is on they way.

Enjoy your weekend everyone!

Till next time......Smile!!! : )

Stay Hungry ~ Stay Foolish

Some thoughts on sharing a smile, your smile with so many who come within your circle of influence.

Till next time....share a smile, make a dream come true and make someone's else a bit happier.


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so are the smiles!


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