Happy Thursday everyone and welcome to a brand new day, full of possibility and full of energy that is just waiting for us to tap into.
That right the world has everything we need right now, to do the things we dream to do right now. We just need to go within ourselves.
Magic Within waiting to run
the spirit the soul dreams begun
all things great invented before
were once a magical thought that is for sure
Thoughts become things is a mantra for all
You can stand on the highest mountain and never fear the fall
But if you do have any doubts or to much fear
then what may happen is you will fall to the rear.
That is the name of my theory today the Magic Within. So coffee at my left lets dig in and go deeper.
Lets look at these two words first the word Magic.
Defined as: (Dictionary.com) (#5 and #6 works for these thoughts)
power or influence exerted through this art: a wizard of great magic.
any extraordinary or mystical influence, charm, power, etc.: the magic in a great name; the magic of music; the magic of spring.
Lets now look at Within
Defined as: (Dictionary.com) (#5 works)
in the mind, heart, or soul; inwardly.
So for this purpose Magic Within is the power or influence exerted in the mind, heart, or soul.
That works.
So how many times have you doubted yourself this year? Just this year, some 40 days into the year. How many times?
If it takes two hands to count the times it could be a concur. Why?
The actions we take are made up of the thoughts we think.
Simply put and not a radical idea what so ever but when you get down to why we do what we do it comes down to what is going on within our mind, heart or soul. Plain and simple.
What to do then?
Try to slow down the racing thoughts of failure. The past does not equal the future actions taken or the thoughts dealt. We deal these thoughts of failure, fear.
Fear has been broken down to mean the following:
False Evidence Appearing Real
Fear is that, thoughts that we placed at the forefront based from prior failures.
I believe in all my heart that when we fail we don't need to beat ourselves up we just need to understand that we may have just got a very important education. That failure was just a reality of what didn't work. Doesn't mean another path won't work for you.
So don't quit just because of a set back or failure.
Just a thought about that Magic Within.
Your the wizard, and you have what it takes to get those thoughts of failure into thoughts of what they truly are, an education.
Just some thoughts and as always smiles sent your way today and everyday.
My Thursday Theory
Smiles and love sent your way today and everyday!
Enjoy your day and may it be a day filled with
smiles and magic and love!
May your smiles abound.
May your joy lift another spirit.
May you stay hungry and stay foolish!
May your heart be warmed because it always was.
Smiles sent your way this day and always!
Happy Thursday everyone! : )
Some thoughts on sharing a smile, your smile with so many who come within your circle of influence.
Till next time....share a smile, make a dream come true and make someone's else a bit happier.
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