Happy Wednesday everyone my first wish today is that you have a joyous day, filled with a combination of laughter, thought, random kindness, sincere smiles and gratitude. If you should happen to have a day like that, and I see no reason why you shouldn't or couldn't. All I ask is you 'pay it forward', share some of those laughs, smiles, and make a difference.
What a world it could/would be if we lived with those attributes more often than tears, reactive actions, bitterness, and hate. We are all in this together, share the love and joy of life.
Start with you and share with another.
So today I wanted to share a few more Wednesday Wish. That was my first and here are some more. I hope you give these some thought, and in the next few days till the new year pray on one or some of these as I will be praying for these.
We indeed are all in this together.
W. Edwards Deming wrote about and taught quality improvement some quotes from him now that I will tie in for this post:
“What we need to do is learn to work in the system, by which I mean that everybody, every team, every platform, every division, every component is there not for individual competitive profit or recognition, but for contribution to the system as a whole on a win-win basis.”
“It does not happen all at once. There is no instant pudding.”
So on with the wishes for 2011.
I wish that instead of having whole neighborhoods with vacant and broken empty homes, our nation would speak up and put them to use for the common good, not a parking lot mind you but empty them out of vacancy and put lives, perhaps broken lives to work fixing them and filling them with love and hope.
I wish that instead of moving our homeless out of the city limits to make it look like a non problem we help to heal the problem and remove it from any landscape.
I wish that having multiple children in low income housing was not a reward but a responsibility and that anyone who received general assistance was made to give back even if it was general assistance to the common cause.
I wish that the unemployed where forced to help put this world back to together, for pay of course, taught a skill while getting assistance and put to work for the common cause, maybe fixing the broken down buildings that could be used to house the sick, homeless and create more productivity instead of buildings used for crime and arson.
I wish that the government ran like a business with more, much more transparency and balanced a budget, or at the very least stopped spending money on frivolous spending and made all of want to purchase stock and bonds in America instead of sending our money overseas for investments on foreign soil.
I wish that the right and the left party lines would join the wings at the body of our nation and flap together, albeit a new party we need something that works and nurtures instead of fighting against each other.
So thats seven wishes in total a nice number. I hope you give these some thought and maybe take some type of action in getting there, even one small step towards success is better than 10,000 steps in place moving no where.
“It does not happen all at once. There is no instant pudding.”
~W. Edward Deming
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful,
committed citizens can change the world;
indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.”
~Margaret Mead
My wish on Wednesday and smiles sent your way
this day and everyday!
May your smiles abound.
May your joy lift another spirit.
May you stay hungry and stay foolish!
May your heart be warmed because it always was.
Smiles sent your way this day and always!
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