Thursday, December 16, 2010

Thursday Theory 12/16/10

Happy Thursday everyone and welcome to another chance to experience joy, empathy, concern and yes maybe even share that smile and start that warmth of human love.

My theory for today:

There are Saints among us

and they are good

we all carry the light that they

so brightly shine

A video to share, enjoy it ....(it was shared on facebook from a friend, we are all friends) Thanks Mike B.

My favorite line from this video....

" Food is one part, Love is another part"

What is the ultimate purpose of life? Giving

Not just at the Christmas Season but every season under the sun and the moon.

There are many hurting people in todays landscape. It does not take long to find them hiding behind their mask of pride and ego.

Some hide it very well. Some bury it beneath a chemical addiction, some food and some even lie to themselves and ignore it but sooner or later the human spirit was not designed to lie to itself. The human spirit was designed by God to love, to share and to care for each other.

We let ego and greed destroy that.

Watch a group of kids at play, lets start with one for this exercise.

A small child under the age of 6 playing in a sandbox boy or girl it does not matter. Playing with his truck, moving sand and enjoying the sunshine and warmth of the day. If another child comes along and asks if they can play almost always the invite is accepted. They play together in the warmth of the sun, sharing and caring and loving.

We all had that small kid with in us and hopefully some of us still do.

The same child year or two latter learns the words of mine and I want and suddenly he has more than one truck, one shovel and worries now about will someone take or play too rough and break or harm or steal his/her toy. He/She has more to possess and know because of the ego starts to worry and protect what they possess could be taken away.

The same child as an adult, more toys, more responsibility and now a family. The toys come with the same ego, the same worry at times and now they pressure of lack and abundance take a sharper turn, with financial woes, unemployment and other factors of today's life style.

The simple life from the sandbox so long ago becomes forgotten. Why do let our ego push on down the road, why do we demand more? Why when the road gets rough do we not drive to the smooth side of the highway?

My hope is that this season and into the next year of 2011 we all take time to simplify our life. Enjoy the warmth and sunny days of sandboxes of years past.

Enjoy the power of a smile, a touch and a kind word.

It is better give something to another in need.

Because it just may be the one thing they truly become inspired over.

To do nothing and just walk by down the road of life we contribute zero.

The only thing we can all give is that one thing that just may be everything, be that hero.

Be that hero and share.

From my sandbox to yours, Happy Thursday and shared smiles sent your way!

Just a Theory on Thursday.......Enjoy your day and at the very least share a smile! It may just help to heal a hurt.

May your smiles abound.

May your joy lift another spirit.

May you stay hungry and stay foolish!

May your heart be warmed because it always was.

Smiles sent your way this day and always!

Happy Thursday everyone! : )

Some thoughts on sharing a smile, your smile with so many who come within your circle of influence.

Till next time....share a smile, make a dream come true and make someone's else a bit happier.


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