Sunday, November 7, 2010

Sunday Prayer and Sunday Thoughts ~11/07/2010

Happy Sunday everyone! It is longest day of the year, unless you turned your clocks back last night and got that extra hour of sleep. Me I turned my clocks in the bedroom to get that extra hour and in the kitchen this morning to lengthen my day out a bit. So depends what room I am in. LOL

Sunday, how sweet the sound of this day!

The view outside my window looks sunny and warm but a quick trip to let the dog out says otherwise, its cold outside, right now as I type this it is about 36 degrees.

We have only 17 days to Thanksgiving and then another 30 until Christmas. How many calories will the average American man or woman or child consume within the next 50 days.

How many cookies will be eaten, pies sliced and consumed, fatty and rich and oh how tasty the food that is fried, baked, and chilled.

Caloric gain is almost certain just thinking about it right? So how do we fight the urge, I am reading closely trust me, as the urge hits me from time to time. So maybe in the comments you can encourage my thoughts.

But how we treat our bodies this time of year will set in motion our diet throughout the whole year. We all need to know that our actions during this time of year is everything. We can either have self control or we can indulge but there will be a price to pay. Just depends how big the price.

Hey I am all for the holidays, it is a great time of year, full of family, love, memories and cheer. But we need to place our best interests at the front of the line, how much is too much, how many wish we had not eaten as much as we have, or maybe we just wait until the shirt or blouse fit is out of balance, and we purchase a larger size.

Today is the day to start planning our holiday indulgence. Today is the day to understand we can make a difference with our path of life and health. This quote sums it up:

“The proximity of a desirable thing tempts one to overindulgence.

On that path lies danger.”

~ Frank Herbert quote

So within that quotes lies the answer you don't go to a bar or club if you have a drinking problem and your desire is to break away from that habit.

You don't go a party where you know there will be drugs if your trying to quit, if you do your doomed to fail.

You don't buy or bake extra cookies if you want to watch your weight. You consume the right amount and enjoy your diet and walk on.

We have the control and everything is irreversible, the aging process can be slowed and our life does not have to end at an early age. We dictate our fate in many ways.

A quote:

Most people think that aging is irreversible and we know that there are mechanisms even in the human machinery that allow for the reversal of aging, through correction of diet, through anti-oxidants, through removal of toxins from the body, through exercise, through yoga and breathing techniques, and through meditation.

Chopra, Deepak

These are some of the ways, but which ones are you going to put into motion. It all starts with us, it all ends with us. Choose wisely and enjoy the next 50 or so days with loved ones but do so with grace and style.

Live long, and Prosper


May your smiles abound.

May your joy lift another spirit.

May you stay hungry and stay foolish!

May your heart be warmed because it always was.

Smiles sent your way this day and always!

Happy Sunday everyone! : )

Some thoughts on sharing a smile, your smile with so many who come within your circle of influence.

Till next time....share a smile, make a dream come true and make someone's else a bit happier.


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