A very happy Thursday to you all! Another day to give thanks and rejoice that life is excellent! Your life is full of possibilities, full of wonder and new doors just waiting to be opened, you just need to open them. We all have the power and the ability to stay happy, choose joy and life with the knowledge that we make the difference in our own life and the lives of others.
Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish. My words of wisdom for this week and a new line to my closing each day. A gentle reminder that we hold the keys to our future, our attitude and our thoughts.
Thoughts Become Things. Our thoughts the very thoughts that you release into your life become things, reality is driven from your perception. We all have heard and acknowledge that the perception of another person is everything, it is theirs and it becomes very hard to sway and change. However....
Don't believe what your eyes are telling you.
All they show is limitation.
Look with your understanding,
find out what you already know,
and you'll see the way to fly.
~ Richard Bach
from 'Jonathan Livingstone Seagull
Know what you want for your life. Define your values and understand that your values define what your priorities are. Understand your values and your priorities then you can discover how to reach the goals that you want for you and your family.
Values and your beliefs give true focus to what is important in your life. So many times we become overwhelmed with priorities that are really not in line with our values. We take on so many causes that little gets done until we focus on the causes that really matter.
Family, self, love and growth for ourselves and those we care about.
My Thursday Theory is the following:
‘One new perception,
one fresh thought,
one act of surrender,
one change of heart,
one leap of faith,
can change your life forever.’
~ Robert Holden
And this quote:
Men are disturbed not by the things that happen,
But by their opinion of the things that happen.
Enjoy your Thursday! Stay Hungry ~ Stay Foolish!
Sending you all many Smiles : )
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