Happy Saturday everyone! Welcome to a yet another great weekend! How do I know it will be great? I just do and so can you, it starts with belief, and faith and an understanding that yes it can be what we want it to be. Never perfect, for nothing is perfect except God's timing, but it, our weekend can be more than enough.
We just need to expect it and accept it.
Well yesterday's chores and yes they where a many got done, we set the final plans in motion for the wedding which is 8 days away, ok so 8 days, 10 hours and 15 minutes but hey who is really counting.
Last night I was surfing my email on my Iphone while I heard my daughter and her friends have an awesome time playing Wii. The laughter was awesome and I stayed clear and just let them be teenagers and enjoy the wee hours of morning and play on. They had fun which is the main thing. Norwin the football team lost, and I am sure they gave it a valiant effort as they always do.
While surfing the Internet I found or was led to this video on TED.com. The video was Steve Jobs delivering the 2005 Commencement Speech at Stanford University. Take some time to listen to it and listen to the key points he gave this graduation class only 5 years ago. A message worth hearing more than just once, the speech and advice is priceless.
The message goes on to share three key points.
First, not trying to connect the dots in your life for the future, its meant to be done after we have arrived. The dots are for reflection purposes and then we see how everything has related to who we are today.
His quote:
"You can't connect the dots looking forward. You can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future, you have to trust in something, your gut, destiny, karma whatever. Because believing that the dots will connect down the road will give you the confidence to follow your heart. Even when it leads you off the well worn path and that will make all the difference."
The second point he told a story about love and loss and his career and failures and rise from the ashes back to the top. We all have these moments in life but he speaks and shares the simple act of allowing things to happen and following your love, doing what you love and things will fall into place. The love of your life when you allow it to come, will come to you.
His quote:
"Sometimes life is going to hit you in the head with a brick don't lose faith....." Love what you do, and don't give up but don't settle.... "Keep looking, don't settle. "
The final part he speaks about his battle with pancreatic cancer and how he looks at life. He talks about living life and not allowing life to slip by and following your heart and knowing that we all die, make the most of life as we live it.
My admiration of this speech is deep and let me share it here:
Take the time to watch it again, bookmark it and share it you will be glad you did.
Life it is worth living and living with a purpose.
Death is indeed as he puts it 'destination we all share', don't waste your life.
Take courage to follow your heart and intuition.
Dream Big, follow your dreams.
So my reflection was from last night not that far away was it. But a reflection just the same.
Next week starting Monday I will take a deeper look at his final statement and lets all go deeper about the phrase 'Stay Hungry Stay Foolish'. How it can make all our lives a little more focused even in its distortion.
Enjoy your Saturday and keep smiling, keep knowing the day is what you make it. This day, the one your walking into right this moment. It is yours enjoy it. Live it and love it. Capture the magic and you just might find its lightening in a bottle.
Smiles to you all : )
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