Happy Monday everyone! Welcome to a new week, a new day and plenty to smile for. You just need to look at the sunny side of each situation that comes your way. Sure there will be clouds but behind every cloud is the sun and inside every cloud there is possibility.
Always look at the possibility and your day will be plentiful.
A quote on possibility:
“Stop thinking in terms of limitations and start thinking in terms of possibilities”
~Terry Josephson
When we think in limitations we become limited, when we think in possibilities we become limitless.
Yesterday me and Janice drove up to Shanksville, PA the very site that Flight 93 crashed when brave men and women retook over the cabin when the terrorists over took the plane with plans on crashing into Washington, D.C.. The site was crowded with people who paid honor to these brave men and women.
The logs of phone conversations showed how brave these men and women really were. They spoke with calm and concern and had resolve to make a difference that made a difference for 100's if not thousands that day.
They knew no limitations on possibilities in very problematic times.
They only thought of what could be instead of what was intended to be on that day in 2001.
They overcame and sacrificed their lives. We shall never forget, nor should we.
Should you get the chance to visit the memorial site, please take the time to do so. You will not be disappointed that you did.
On a much lighter side, one week ago today me and Janice shared our vows and the partnership began, joy and happiness reigns on.
Thank you so very much for your kind words, thoughts, prayers.
Thank you so very much for continuing to find my posts as part of your daily visits.
Smiles are sent your way. Today and everyday! Smiles to you!
Staying Hungry, Staying Foolish as I hope you do as well!
Know no limits only possibilities!
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