Wednesday, August 11, 2010

A Wish on Wednesday ~08/11/10

A very happy Wednesday to you all! The middle of the week is here and the weekend is right around the corner so close and in the very sight of all of us. The weekend is almost here.

I have always tried to write that everyday can be the very best all we have to do is think it, speak it and expect it.

Thoughts become things

A very true statement that we all have experienced it, for example if you remember back to waking up on Christmas morning and all the excitement that flowed from the first steps that flowed from your bedroom. Know take the day of your final exams or the first trip to the dentist or the day your tonsils were to be removed how did those thoughts effect your day? Thoughts become things and when we think with a positive mind set those thoughts lead us to a better day.

What we speak, the words and phrases also have a great impact on our days. When we speak with passion, positive words that can build we set the tone that can light up any day. My thoughts run to the phrase if you have nothing good to say, then don't say anything. Words to think upon today and everyday. Gossip and rumors have no value, none and they only fuel the negative that will drag you or someone down. Words that we speak or think can and will motivate or tear us down. Don't let the works of your lips paint a picture on your landscape that destroys, use words that paint a picture of hope, greatness and empowerment!

Expect it! Expect your day, this day and everyday to be empowering to yourself and those around you. Expect it, this day to be one where you make a difference, whether it be by a smile a kind word or deed. Expect it, expectations have power the very expectations that we have when we wake up that when we step out of bed gravity will hold us down, can be the same expectation that today, this day will be one of the very best!

Thoughts become things, speak it and expect it that today will be your very be your very best day!

Draw upon this belief and know it and it will come true.

This day can and will be the very best you just need to call it out!

Smiles sent to all of you and my wish, this wish is for you!

Some thoughts on sharing a smile, your smile with so many who come within your circle of influence.

Till next time....share a smile, make a dream come true and make someone's else a bit happier.


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