Sunday, August 8, 2010

Some Thoughts on a Sunday ~ 08/08/2010

Happy Sunday everyone and welcome to another great day! I hope your as excited about football being back as I am. The NFL and College football season as well as high school football is upon us. Last night the Annual Induction of the Pro Football Hall of Fame was on TV and if you didn't get to see Floyd Little and/or Emmitt Smith gave outstanding speeches that did not talk about football but family values and character. Good stuff. If you get the chance go over to You Tube and look up them and take a look. Worth the look and listen.

Today I also drove my son to the Airport 755am flight back to Houston. I love him and I hope he knows that I will miss him. He is an outstanding personality and can achieve anything he puts his mind and focus too. I love him very much and look forward to seeing him around the Christmas holiday's.

You can learn much from watching others reflect on the past accomplishments. The credit they give to family, friends, mentors, coaches and the like. One thing that Emmitt Smith talk about was having a journal and writing his thoughts and goals down and how it impacted his life and drove him to higher levels of performance.

Do you have a journal? Do you take time to share your goals with paper and the world to make your life stronger and better connected?

Think about the impact of having goals that are clear and direct.

Think next about writing these goals down that are clear and direct and letting the world know about them. (Thoughts become things)

Think next about writing these goals that are clear and direct and sharing these goals with the world and then making a plan that you execute and monitor its progress and keep score on how its going.

One thing thats true in life, we work and we play to create things, we are always striving to be a better person, a better parent, a better friend, a better neighbor.

We all want to leave the world a bit better because we have lived.

Allow our legacy to show that we indeed made a difference.

Thats what life is all about, making a difference, first with ourselves, then our loved ones and then the greater circle of influence. Stretching and reaching to have an impact that each hour and minute what we did and how we did it made a difference.

That each day and week, month and year we set out to make another person breathe a little easier because of us.

Maybe it is just a flower garden that we plant and share its beauty along the way.

Maybe it is just a kind word, a gentle smile to a stranger that lifts them up and gives them that extra push and confidence down life's highway.

Whatever it is we, yes you and me, can make a difference.

So today reflect a little on this year, do you have a journal, are you sharing gratitude with others, do you smile and share that smile first with yourself in your mirror and then the world?

Just some thoughts on a Sunday, hope you enjoyed them and have a great week! Sending you some smiles : )

Some thoughts on sharing a smile, your smile with so many who come within your circle of influence.

Till next time....share a smile, make a dream come true and make someone's else a bit happier.


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