Sunday, July 11, 2010

Some Thoughts on a Sunday ~ 07/11/10

Spectacular Sunday is the way a local TV weather forecast called today, I like it!  Lets roll with that today.  Spectacular Sunday not just for the weather but the content of our day, thoughts do become things remember.  Try it today and everyday.

I know I have written about this today but repetition is the mother of skill and the more you practice even learned knowledge you tend to find a home for it at the forefront of your thoughts.  The thoughts become things is not only for spoken thought and they way we communicate with others directly or indirectly but for those thoughts that we keep inside.

The self talk inside of our spirit.  Yeah I know it I admit it I talk within my mind words that don't get vocalized.  We all do, its what some call our conscience others that small still voice that either impedes our progress or pushes us on.

Sometimes we need to hear the word stop, don't do that for our own safety.  Thats necessary and important.  Sometimes the word NO, when we are trying to quit a bad habit like over eating or smoking or any number of destructive habits, that self talk is a positive as well.

But what about the normal everyday talk.  Do your beliefs limit and barrage your mind with limiting self talk?

Have you heard these comments from yourself recently?

Why does this always happen to me?

I am not ________ to do that, so why bother.

They always say that about me it must be true I guess I will always be ______.

You get the idea, you can fill in the blank with just about anything that comes to your mind.

Break out of this destructive self limiting talk.   Stop it now. The first step is to know that it happens to all of us.  The next step is to identify it and change some key words around.

This did happen but why and how can I prevent it from happening in the future?

I am just as _______ the next person, I have talents that can help me get what I want.

They don't always say that, and so what if they do what other people think or say about me is really none of my business.  I will change _______ and I will start today.

So I imagine you get the idea, now put it into practice today, change this Sunday to a spectacular Sunday.  It all starts with you!

Till next time....share a smile, make a dream come true and make someone's else a bit happier.


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