Monday, June 21, 2010

Monday Morning Wisdom ~ 06/21/10

Marvelous Monday to you all! Can today get any better, really the answer of course is yes! This week I have a great and wonderful week planned and as it happens I will share some of it with you. But can you have a marvelous Monday too? You bet its all in your mind and your heart and deep inside the spirit.

This week the theme is going to be around two words and a problem that plagues so many and yeah even me from time to time. The words, Intention and Self Sabotage. Lets look at each word for a second.

Intention is defined as:

1. A course of action that one intends to follow.

a. An aim that guides action; an objective.

b. intentions Purpose with respect to marriage: honorable intentions.

3. Medicine The process by which or the manner in which a wound heals.

4. Archaic Import; meaning.

Self Sabotage is defined as:

1. Destruction of property or obstruction of normal operations, as by civilians or enemy agents in time of war.

2. Treacherous action to defeat or hinder a cause or an endeavor; deliberate subversion.

tr.v. sab·o·taged, sab·o·tag·ing, sab·o·tag·es
To commit sabotage against. (against ones self)

Deliberate subversion against ones self? No, I no say its not so huh.

But many times we do commit acts that with the best of intentions to ourselves we wonder why can't I get this to work the way I planned it.

A couple identifiers here. What are you planning your day on?

Inspiration or desperation?

Desperation is running your day as a firefighter of sot always trying to solve flash fires in life. Yours and other lives. Are you tired, unrested and always trying to cope with the latest problem upon your desk of life.

Inspiration is running your day as a adventurer, seeking out the next trail to hike or mountain to climb. Your not tired, your rested and the path before you is well planned and your desire to tackle the latest opportunity before you is putting it mildly a no fuss event.

Today is day one to the rest of your life.

Today is day one to being inspired and grateful instead of desperate and fearful.

Today is your day! Make the most of it.

Take time today to look at how you planned your day and what you monitored and achieved. Look at your inner self and ask are you running desperate? Or, are you running inspired.

We all have good intentions of what we want in life.

We all have moments of greatness that some of us call luck. Maybe it is luck but you were smart enough to see the luck come and you captured the moment.

Savored it and said how do I get more.

You are the captain of your ship so full steam ahead this Monday morning and take a close look at your map that lays on your 'deck' of sort. Enjoy your Monday and have a marvelous time choosing your path.

Till next time....share a smile, make a dream come true and make someone's else a bit happier.


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