Thursday, May 20, 2010

A Thought on Thursday ~ 05/20/10

Happy Thursday everyone! A great day to give thanks, to allow some special time in prayer with God and to share a smile to brighten someone else's day. A smile perhaps the single easiest way to lighten someone's mood. Or at the very least have them wonder what they are missing out on.

As Mother Teresa put it:

“Every time you smile at someone, it is an action of love,

a gift to that person, a beautiful thing.”

A smile is a warm and inviting action that takes very little effort. Dale Carnegie has been quoted as saying:

"the expression one wears on one's face is far more important than the clothes one wears on one's back."

The smile can enhance just about any situation, and the power of a smile given can just about guarantee a smile in return.

A year ago I wrote a piece about the smile and the reaction that comes back almost like the "pitch back" that we used as a kid. The pitch back was a metal frame that had springs and a mesh netting that was used to practice various baseball techniques. You got better using it and could use it even if no one else was there. You could practice target pitching, ground balls and if you changed the angle of the frame pop ups and line drives. The point is one you through out came right back to you. The same with the any facial emotion. What you put out into the world, a smile, a frown, a pout almost always comes right back to you.

The pitch you give with a smile can have effects and you will feel the return. But you may never feel the return that gets to be carried with that person, inside that they carry with them the rest of the day.

So next time you go out in public, or lift your face up from that hot cup of coffee, take time to deliver a genuine smile. Pass it out and watch how infectious it can really be.

A smile. Simple yet the effects can have complex long term effects. On you and the ones you give them out too.

A smile is a light in the window of the soul,

indicating that the heart is at home.


A video for your day, and yes I have shared it before but I share my smiles often too. So sit back and let it catch a hold of you.

Smile on your in a happy place!

Till next time....share a smile, make a dream come true and make someone's else a bit happier.


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