Saturday, May 1, 2010

Saturday Morning Reflection ~ 05/01/10

Happy Saturday everyone! I hope this day, the first day of May 2010 allows you the time to reflect for a moment. Reflection often gives us the insight to alter and change courses for higher ground or if not higher more time with loved ones, or family or improve on what we already have. Face it thats what reflection is often about, looking back, getting feed back or remembering a time spent whether good or bad.

A quote on reflection by Charles Dickens :

Reflect upon your present blessings - of which every man has many - not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some.


Success is not measured by what one brings, but rather by what one leaves.

~Author unknown

Reflection is not always bad or good, pleasant or unhappy but if the reflection you do preside in leaves a feeling of want, angst or displeasure then mold your moment into something more positive, more energetic.

Often in my prayers I ask God for little just give thanks for what I have, what I have been given, things like health, children and the basics in life food on the table, senses to feel and understand that life is what you make it with the things you have.

My thought today and my thought for you is to:

Live in the moment -- This moment right here and right now

Understand that the past is the past and the future your about to right. The past does not dictate the future, ever.

Enjoy the moment at your present table of life. Enjoy what God has given you all the basics that has taken you this far in life. Nothing is impossible with that state of mind.

Don't live with regret, with the what if's of life. God and the nature of the world will direct and guide you to higher grounds if you only let them.

Listen to nature, to your inner self. Talk with love and kindness to yourself.

Don't let discouraging words cross your mind, the most discouraging word given is the word given to oneself.

So my post that I want to share today is from last year pulling it out from May 1st.

The title of the post

Have a great May everyone ! Sending Smiles your way!!!

What does a smile do?


S = Sets you free

M = Makes you special

I = Increases your value

L = Lifts up your spirit

E = Erases all your tensions

So don't forget to smile!

Just something to hang on your fridge or desk at work.

Below a video that always makes us smile here.

Have a great day!

Have a great month!

Till next time Smile!

www make me smile online dot com

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