Friday, May 28, 2010

Flowing into Friday ~05/28/10

Happy Friday and yes welcome to the weekend that welcomes summer. Not in the real sense mind you on the calendar summer comes onJune 21st this year(click on for countdown) some 23 days away. But in the sense that most pools open this weekend and the heat on much of the country has been here summer feels much closer.

This is also Memorial day weekend where we take time to honor our troops both past and present.

We take time to honor their service to our country. Those who stand at the ready and protect our country and give.

The saying "All gave some, some gave All" rings in our heart and mind. We stand proud this weekend. Parades, Flags waving and cookouts all over the country bring in this holiday.

A quick video I hope you enjoy:

Don't ever forget these son's and daughter's. Mother's and Father's that have left children behind to serve. Brother's and sister's who are separated on different base's. Husband and wives that are apart this weekend and who only long with ever breath to be reunited.

Don't forget their service and honor them as they walk among us.

I will always take time to remember my father. He passed away some 8 years ago this August. But his flag that covered his casket remains in my room and I look at each morning. I will always remember his strength and pride in serving and I have great pride in what and how he served. God Bless you Dad!

So today as we flow into Friday enjoy your weekend. Fire up the gas grill or burn some charcoal but never forget the reason for this weekend. Not a race at the Brickyard in Indianapolis and not pool that opens so we can splash and catch some rays. But the reason is hero's that serve in our Armed Forces. The hero's that passed on and should never be forgotten.

Thanks to you the troops that serve and protect.

Sharing a great big smile with you today.

God Bless and God speed.

: )

Till next time....share a smile, make a dream come true and make someone's else a bit happier.


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