Sunday, March 21, 2010

Some Thoughts on a Sunday ~ 03/21/10

Happy Sunday everyone! Another great day to have a heart full of smiles, a spirit full of joy and a mind open to learning something new that will make a difference in not just your life but another persons life. Try living with that thought and phrase everyday, how would you focus each moment with that? What would you be doing differently.

So the first day of spring came yesterday, how great was that. About 5 weeks ago we had 3+ feet of snow on the ground. What a difference time can make.

So no mantra today, just a thought about today's impending vote on health care reform.

Deep breath here, thats really what we need to do. History, thats what we can look back at and all of the reforms that have happened down the line.

First off, I strongly believe in our rights as Americans to wake up in the morning and go to work, form a business that provides a product and service.

Then market that service freely, promote, advertise, and allow your capital to grow freely based on supply and demand.

Online I found this explanation of Capitalism.

It is an economic and social system in which capital, the non-labor factors of production (also known as the means of production), is privately controlled; labor, goods and capital are traded in markets; and profits distributed to owners or invested in technologies and industries.

Not a bad place to start, lets run with that for at least now.

Back to health care, our nation hated the idea about allowing a number like the Social Security number to follow us through life. Hated it, they did, despised it.

Our Nation hated the concept of Medicare, and Medicaid when first introduced to give healthcare to the aged and needy. They hated, they did.

Now both go along and provide much needed services.

We provide children with insurance its called CHIP started in my state of PA. We honor our children and allow them to grow with a healthy chance. What if we threw that out?

What if we said sorry we should not allow you to have a chance to be healthy?

I don't know if this bill is the answer to allowing all people in this nation to have better health care. I don't but the future of our current electorate body knows that their political career is more than just on the line here. They better be promoting in a clear and decisive way what this plan will do for all Americans going forward. Or we will have the next election rewrite past mistakes.

That is a fact.

So deep breath here, and today lets not just listen to all the hate that has been spewed by the talking heads on TV. Lets look at our current system of health care, and read the facts.

All legislation has back room deals to allow it to pass. Every bit, so don't be shocked that this one, this one, this bill had some back room deal to allow it to get this far. That would be naive on our part to think differently.

Get involved, listen, read the facts of the bill.

This fall, vote, get involved, stand up for your rights or should we all just roll over and let the talking heads on TV and Radio tell us what we should do?

I could go on further here......but sigh.....deep breath.

The next video I found on You Tube and shared with you last April 5th, a Sunday in fact. The video explains that:

If you have never failed you have never lived.

Life = Risk

Enjoy your Sunday, share a smile, share a breath of fresh air with someone.

Life is filled with what we fill it with, but never walk away from Risk.

Enjoy life, Live with a smile in your heart, and on your mind, your spirit will follow

Till next time.......Smile!

Make a difference

www make ME smile ONline dot com

Where the ME is really all about YOU!

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