Thursday, March 25, 2010

Positive Thought Thursday ~03/25/10

Happy Thursday everyone! March is winding to a close, as is this week. So how has your week progressed? What have you focused on? Have good thoughts dominated your thought process.

My day starts every morning with a stretch of the body, a morning thought of gratitude, a quiet moment of prayer for the day and my morning coffee.

Then I start to type this post and let my thoughts flow of what I want to convey. Till my keys start to click on the keyboard I don't really have clue, I just let it roll.

Positive thoughts dominate my morning, the beautiful sounds of birds singing, the morning school bus picking up my daughter for school. Sometimes just quietness sounds so sweet.

I strongly recommend Dr. Wayne Dyer's book 'The Shift". He writes about many things that can open up our thoughts into a new way of thinking. He rights about the EGO he labels it as (Edging God Out) and how our first 9 months we just flow through the birth cycle and then the word ambition comes into play only from other outside persons as we develop.

How true, we just flowing through our early birthing process, no real influence from others it just happens. Then all of a sudden our parents, day care providers, friends, relatives have other agenda's for us. See the change of flow and direction.

The key to your happiness is to focus on what your grateful for, acknowledge gratitude. Let life's moments present themselves to you instead of you chasing them.

Allow life to express its presence to you.

Allow God to show you the good that he has created.

Allow your spirit to flow with others instead of in competition with everyone.

Stop, listen, deep breath, smile from the heart.

Not a bad positive thought for today.

Till next time....Smile and let go of all your ego-

don't edge God out of your life.

www make me smile online dot com

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