Thursday, March 18, 2010

Positive Thought Thursday ~03/18/10

Happy Thursday everyone, here is wishing you a great Thursday with smiles fixed not just on your lips but more important in your spirit and soul. Yes, if you saw last night's post its the one year mark for Make ME Smile ONline. One year, wow it is indeed a quick year and I have enjoyed every day, every post and I hope you have as well.

Todays mantra as we come oh so close to spring:

Spring in 54:32 minutes eastern time zone.

It arrives at 1:32 pm here in the east.

Counting down the hours now how winter has flown.

Still we will remember your fury this winter.

Spring welcome on home.

Flowers we will plant

Gardens we will sow

Spring showers will come as they always do

Winter passes on but the memories linger.

Welcome Spring 2010.

Spring, a new beginning right before our eyes. A new season, with new colors and sights and sounds. Even spring has a smell to it that is welcome.

Dr. Seuss had a wonderful quote that I wanted to focus on today.

Don't cry because it is over. Smile because it happened.

All things come to an end at times. Seasons, great movies, and even loved ones cross over to a better place. We often feel such grief, a sense of loss. Words often do little to comfort a spirit that is grieving. Time heals but some the loss hangs deep within. The spirit the soul stirs and wants what it can't have. It hurts. We have all lost a love one.

The one focus that this quote directs us so clearly is to remember that their life happened.

The left sweet memories etched into our mind.

Another gift of a gratitude journal is this, your life lived is documented for your children, and generations beyond. It has been said if your life is worth living it is worth recording it.

Don't cry because it is over.

Everything ends.

Cry because it happened.

They made a difference in your life and that is indeed a precious gift.

Love life, Live life and record it.

Till next time......Smile and thanks for becoming a part of the journey.

www make me smile online dot com

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