Monday, March 15, 2010

Monday Morning Wisdom ~ 03/15/10

Happy Monday everyone and welcome to a new week. Full of adventure, surprises await us all, we know that with the right attitude, with a heart full of gratitude we can be prepared for even the not so great surprises that can happen. Todays mantra for the final days of winter:

Spring in 4 days- 4 full days of winter to go-

Winter is about to leave us

that mean old winter of 2009

No we can only hope for the sun to always shine

Night comes of course and there will always be dark

but the spring season brings us rain and a few clouds

but in the end it makes the flowers and gardens burst alive.

So Spring in 4 days- No more winter for us

and that indeed is a very big plus!

Enjoy the sunshine this week. Rain at least for the Pittsburgh area is not in the forecast except for a few sprinkles today.

How great is that.

My daughter yesterday shared with me something yesterday that didn't hit me right away.

But the more I thought about it, it hit me, so much so that I put it in the Make ME Smile ONline Web site at the very top of the page.

She said she woke up thinking or the thought running through her head that 'Life is a Maze of Smiles'. Now Tori, my daughter is 15, soon to be 16 this May. For her to say something like this is not the usual, the usual is something about the latest music, or the Twilight movie or lunch at the high school. This was different.

"Life is a Maze of Smiles"

It is a maze life, often we go down a path, with a plan and end up turning back when we see that it is a dead end, or not the way to go. Other times we find the right path is easier and we head deep into the maze of life into the right course to our goal. Life is a maze not a bad thing, just some uncertainty along the way.

The smile if carried with us, front and center in our mind and spirit will help us get through this maze with a warm heart, a kind spirit and we will not only carry joy with us along the way, we will spread that smile along life's journey.

How profound her message that spilled through her thoughts. Life truly is a maze of smiles, what is the alternative, a maze of frowns, of dismay? Truly to carry a smile on the spirit, our soul, our feelings of gratitude that we bring with us helps us get through that maze.

Life is not easy, it never was promised to us to be that way, easy.

Life is a challenge at the very best of times.

Life is a struggle at the very worst of times.

But to carry a smile with us, even if that load on our shoulders is heavy.

It will lift our burdens, lighten our thoughts and spread positive energy into our world. Is that not a great gift.

I love the message that Ralph Waldo Emerson gives us when he defines success.

Its on Make ME Smile Online's mission statement and I share it again here.

To laugh often and much;

To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children;

To earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends;

To appreciate beauty, to find the best in others;

To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition;

To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived.

This is to have succeeded.

What a message that we all should be able to attain. To leave the world a bit better on our journey through the maze. To appreciate and savor the beauty along the way. To look for and find the best in others. Allowing the flow of energy to float around nature with no harm or ill will towards that flow. To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. I can live with this definition, you bet I can.

I send you smiles your way, I send you warm wishes and prayers as well.

Till next time, make that difference in someones life, share a smile, a simple smile.

www make me smile online dot com

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