Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Giving Thanks on Tuesday ~ 01/05/10

Happy Tuesday everyone and if your in a warm climate today, then you are very thankful indeed. It is cold a 19 degree temp this morning and we again have a 2 hour delay for my daughters school.

Is she happy..... you bet! She is indeed grateful for that.

There are times in each of our lives when we have decisions to make, for what is best for us, our family and our future. Often we dicker back and forth with the thoughts in our head, and do nothing only to find out that we are sometimes better to have been patient.

I often admire the risk taker as the greater the risk the greater the reward can be for that individual.

I think the country, our nation so many years ago was built on risk.

Imagine those immigrants that left their native land to venture into American so many years ago. They left friends, family and often came only with a dream for a better chance. How they followed their internal compass to be better and take a chance on failure.

We do have so much to be grateful for and to not take a moment and thank those who with out much thought take that risk for the greater good of our nation, our family and our future, we have much to be thankful to them. Our american soldier, the brave first responders who fight fires and save lives in crazy weather and conditions, the police officers who patrol our community to protect and serve. We should be very thankful.

Sometimes we don't give ourselves enough credit and it is often refreshing to have another person remind us in a subtle if not blunt way. Albert Schweitzer put it this way, he is quoted as saying :

'At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person.

Each of us has cause to think with

deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us.'

I sit here this morning with my morning coffee, and reflect on those both past and present who have lighted my flame that was about to be snuffed out. Snuffed out by fear, doubt, restlessness, concern. I thank them for their kindness, their subtle and sometimes blunt concern for rekindling my flame. To them I say thank you.

To you I say be grateful for your friend, family member or acquaintance that may have taken the time with you to put another log onto your fire.

Ralph Waldo Emerson was quoted as saying :

'To help the young soul, to add energy, inspire hope, and blow the coals into a

useful flame; to redeem defeat by new thought and firm action,

this, though not easy, is the work of divine man.'


Inspire someone today, make a difference and help their flame burn brighter!

They will be thankful that you did, and so will you!

Till next time.... smile and ignite your flame within!

www make me smile online dot com

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