Thursday, December 31, 2009

Giving Thanks on Thursday ~ December 31, 2009

Happy Thursday and Happy New Year everyone! On the east coast we have less that 17 hours!

Yesterday I shared some wishes for the new year. I hope you had a chance to visit the post and I hope you think with deep thought and consideration over them.

We can make a difference, a difference with a smile, a kind act, being polite, being tolerant and having compassion for our contacts which we meet each and every day.

Albert Einstein was once quotes as sayin:

A human being is a part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feeling as something separated from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.

In this quote I feel that if we all reflect on the greater sum of all the parts that make this world so abundant. Things like the awesome nature of a snowflake, a sunrise, the wind that whistles through the branches of the tree. We will then understand that we are the keeper, the caregiver of nature and each other.

We all have so many desires, needs both basic and elaborate however when we really look outside of the box and try to show compassion not just for close family and friends but each other and nature we then see the true gratitude that this stage called life has to offer.

Another quote that I wanted to share by George Washington Carver he stated:

How far you go in life depends on your being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving, and tolerant of the weak and strong. Because some day in life you will have been all of these.

It has always been said that if you can never put yourself in another man or women's shoes and understand the journey that brought them to where they are now. In fact when we look back over 2009 and the years that came before we can wonder how our shoes brought us to where we are right now. We can in fact amaze ourselves with what we can overcome and how we can do the 'right thing' when we really need to. The human spirit in ourselves is alive and well when we give it the credit it really deserves.

Little things like a smile in the morning in that mirror and a simple audible I am able to do anything I put my heart and mind into. I am a child of God built with perfection.

Say that in that mirror and watch how your spirit rises. Because its all true.

Little things like having a heart of gratitude for family, health, friends, and the wealth that each one brings not to our checking account or wallet but to our very ledger of life. The most important balance we can all carry and never really fall into the red side of the ledger.

Little things like showing compassion, being polite, sharing a smile with others how far will that go in the race of life. Try it, feel it, believe in it and you will find a healthy dose of love starting to bubble in your heart.

Thats what it is all about my friends. This year has been magical for me. The posts that I have typed out at this table I hope have made your life a bit better I know it has for me.

Your comments, your kind emails have truly been read and noticed and I thank you.

Many times as my fingers just pound away at the keys in front and after I put the last period at the end I get a bit teary eyed as the mix of words and thoughts that flow are often from a part of my spirit that I know not of. I can only say that with my prayers and thoughts of gratitude a higher plan of spirit flows through and I often just pen my name to the post but the words are often typed with just unknown but trusting pace.

I am glad this was a year that I picked up the baton and ran with this message. I feel it is so very important in the time we are all in.

A smile can truly change a moment of grief. A kind word can truly change a moment of anger. A bit of empathy and compassion can inspire a soul to not only carry on but to grow.

With that I wish you all a Happy New year.

I will next be happy to type 2010. A year for all to grow and prosper and just become a bit more gentle not just with each other but with ourselves.

Till next time......... Smile and share it with another. See you in January!

www make me smile online dot com

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