Saturday, October 24, 2009

Saturday Morning Reflection ~ October 24, 2009

Happy Saturday everyone! Hope your day is a special one. Only seven days to Halloween and the march of the trick or treaters. I don't get any here, we live on a road where it would be a workout just to get to our house by foot and there are too many developments in the area that siphons away the walkers and cars.

But my daughter Tori still put out the decorations, lights and hanging things and yard things. Candles and hanging things inside. It looks very cool and I will say here she did a great job!!

Very creative girl! I don't know where she gets that??

So today in searching through my reflections I wanted to share two funny video's one that is posted on MMSO (Make ME Smile Online) and the other I found last week and wanted to share with it. I hope it makes you laugh and smile. It did me and it has some light hearted moments that you may even mark them as your favorites.

The Internet has so many resources. Gather dot com is one that I come here to post my mission to share the power of the smile and educate others about that the immense importance of gratitude in ones life. Not just on Sunday but everyday!!!

The state of our being is much depended on the state of our mind and feelings about oneself!

Yes read that and put in your reality check book. We all should have that in our front of mind.

What we feel and how we talk to ourselves inside our head makes the real difference about how we will grow in gratitude and joy.

Think about this when we touch a hot stove once in our lives we have a respect for a hot stove because we felt pain from the heat.

We know that it can hurt us and the ones we love if we don't use care. Thats how we feel about it and thats how respect it. But we still use it, cook with it, make our meals and teach others to not touch the hot stove.

How we feel about that stove and the potential pain from using it does not stop us from using it anymore does it?

No. We respect it, and use it with care.

The same way we should respect and use our feelings about oneself! The state of mind and respect of ourselves are crucial.

Ok so I went off the Saturday Morning Reflection path. Sorry about that.....

The video's and the smile...... Here we go... Hope you enjoy and laugh a little today!

And this one

Hope you have a great weekend!

Till next time.... Smile and enjoy your day!

www make me smile online dot com

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