Today and everyday I find the power of prayer more important each passing minute. I talk with friends and hear their challenges that befall them. A sick family member, a pet that is ill or bills that always seem to go unpaid. I pray for these folks when I know who they are. I try to console them. I only hope my words are helpful in some way and I always try to encourage them with a smile. Do I know if this helps? No but I try anyway. I know the prayers will help, that much I do realize.
Often we go about our day with challenges and concerns front and center. The things that should be front and center are the blessings that have been bestowed on us. Our family, our health, our natural talents that we sometimes forget. Gratefulness should be pushing against the front of our mind. Our thankfulness should be always ahead of our challenges and problems.
No we can not ignore our problems but we should prioritize them behind our prayers and thanks to what is good in our life.
Is this easy? No. Is it possible? Yes.
Life will produce challenges, some you feel like you have won others you feel you have lost.
Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength.
~ Arnold Schwarzenegger quote
When life challenges you don't you quit. Never give in or give up.
Last night I downloaded the new Pearl Jam album on itunes. One song stuck out for today and I would like to share the video with lyrics. The song is The Fixer and yes you are the fixer.
I hope you enjoy it. I hope you never quit, life's victories are for those who fight.
Fight to get what you feel you lost. Fight to get it back again!
Enjoy! and till next time.... Smile!
www make me smile online dot com
Good morning, Victor! I enjoyed your post for today! You always have very positive and uplifting posts.....I hope your day is delightful! Take care!