Thursday, February 9, 2023

The Year of Faith Hoping 4 Better. ~~~ >> 02 / 09 / 2023

  Faith Hoping 4 Better

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Thinking Forward with creative and focused words

So my daily blog has become my give me 11 days to allow the creative flow.  A week and four days to gather thoughts, rationalize to key strokes and to share with you all.

Thinking forward and grasping the steering mechanism firm but not too tight but to allow your thoughts and heart to look over the landscape as you want it to be.  A landscape of  gratitude, kindness and gentle progress.  A landscape designed with words and focus.

Focus to allow the good to stay impactful and any weak or disarming thoughts and words to fall away.  Fall away in to a deep and dark abyss.  

Creatively designed with purpose and artistic precision to guide you through any patches that may not seem as delightful but necessary in our walk.  

Life can be lived like a walk through an amusement park, some rides can be exhilarating and intense to the spirit.  While others can cause nausea and/or frightful.  The nice thing we always have the bench to rest upon and people to watch to calm the feelings.

Resting can always be a good thing for us all.  Add some quiet meditation that is scheduled each day and the life we live can have focus and creativity in abundance. 

Landscape in fact in our lives should be free flowing and be able to be designed and created.  We do not have to settle we can design and design we must.

Life’s artistic pen is now handed to you!  Enjoy it.

Expect the best for those you care about.

Have Faith in your self and the universe that your mindset with help you achieve more in a more productive way, with processes that get you there more efficiently.

Be prepared each day for a better day!

It is your guidance that will get you there.  Guide with kindness and efficiently step forward.

Faith ~ Hope ~ 4 Better

Have a great day and a even better moment in time