Friday, April 30, 2021

A new chapter, a new page in a new book of 365 pages ~ 2021 begins your journey ~ Appreciate the Differences ~ Lies and Darkness some conversation

It has been said that what lies and deceit that happens in the darkness always is exposed eventually in the light.  Time and time again we see the folly of lies and how they are exposed.  Darkness has its time in the lives of mean both good and evil.  But the good tend to sleep and meditate while the evil tend to connive and tear down.  Hope for better has been my mantra this year it basically says live in your light and hope for better for those who choose a different path.  Wish them well and let them be on their way.  It is best for all parties concerned but especially for the person who lets go.  Let it go, a higher power will always guide or watch over.  Light will win as will love and kindness.

Karma is real don't attract the negative into your stride

Life will flow 

Let it flow with a positive factor for you and your loved ones

Embrace the light

Expect the Best

Look for truth

don't follow like a sheep into its slaughter 

But learn like the brain has the power 

Because it does, always has, always will

Lantern's lit will light the way 

The darkness always tends to go away

Breathe the good into your heart

Happy Friday : )


Make your dreams come to life

Smile and Share Kindness

Love yourself so you can love others more

Move forward

Stay Safe.

Be filled with the desire and hunger to breathe and move forward.

Share kindness and share a smile!

Embrace always, smile forever and share united.

Victor V Yakin

04  /     30      /  2021

Happy Friday :)

Thursday, April 29, 2021

A new chapter, a new page in a new book of 365 pages ~ 2021 begins your journey ~ Appreciate the Differences ~ Truth and Light and Conversation

 We all have a voice, a voice with our actions, our deeds and our dreams we turn into goals.  We all have the opportunity to look at the facts, see the impact inequality whether it be educational, racial or financial.  We see the wealthy consume more wealth and grow.  Growing is good much better than dying but is it responsible growth?

Truth always has away of coming to light when light is placed upon it. Lies and false facts don't become more truthful when voices are raised or volume is increased.  Our future depends on honest and truthful fact checking and honest and truthful conversation.

Be the kindness and share love

Kindness survives in the light as does love

Rise up and seek the truth

Embrace it  and honor it

We all play a huge part in standing as one

Standing in love

Standing in kindness

and working united as one

Truth is the Light

Never stop seeking it 

Confirming it or embracing it 

For the good of humanity


Make your dreams come to life

Smile and Share Kindness

Love yourself so you can love others more

Move forward

Stay Safe.

Be filled with the desire and hunger to breathe and move forward.

Share kindness and share a smile!

Embrace always, smile forever and share united.

Victor V Yakin

04  /     29    /  2021

Happy Thursday :)

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

A new chapter, a new page in a new book of 365 pages ~ 2021 begins your journey ~ Appreciate the Differences ~ Momentum and using it

 Daily we step forward, or at least we should always.  But when we feel and sense the momentum of our steps we should not stop we should embrace the good thing.  If the steps forward lead us to a speed bump or distraction again use the momentum of forward steps to move ahead and away from the distraction.  Hope for the better for the rest but Expect the Best for yourself.

Step forward and move ahead of most who will tend to lag behind

Move forward with kindness and love

Share in your gratitude 

Rise up and be better 

20% of the rest will be lessons from failure

if you are not failing your not trying hard enough

But turn those failures into lessons learned 

Never give up or give in

Rise up

Happy Wednesday 


Make your dreams come to life

Smile and Share Kindness

Love yourself so you can love others more

Move forward

Stay Safe.

Be filled with the desire and hunger to breathe and move forward.

Share kindness and share a smile!

Embrace always, smile forever and share united.

Victor V Yakin

04  /     28    /  2021

Happy Wednesday :)

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

A new chapter, a new page in a new book of 365 pages ~ 2021 begins your journey ~ Appreciate the Differences ~ Steps Forward

             Progress, every little step counts towards a goal for social betterment of all.   Every step moving forward counts even the tiny steps.  Dreams become thoughts and thoughts with goals become plans   plans become actions and actions become reality and the steps forward move on.

Embrace the steps taken, the footprint left upon your path

~ Expect the Best and move forward

Steps taken and moving forward the step taken matters most

Speed kills but with speed comes a certain risk of mistakes made

Speed is great in a race but a marathon steady pace matters more

Write your dreams down

lead them to a plan 

Act and make your reality the worlds reality

Steps matter no matter the size

Happy Tuesday 


Make your dreams come to life

Smile and Share Kindness

Love yourself so you can love others more

Move forward

Stay Safe.

Be filled with the desire and hunger to breathe and move forward.

Share kindness and share a smile!

Embrace always, smile forever and share united.

Victor V Yakin

04  /     27    /  2021

Happy Tueday :)

Monday, April 26, 2021

A new chapter, a new page in a new book of 365 pages ~ 2021 begins your journey ~ Appreciate the Differences ~ Created and the Journey

 Each and everyday we begin a journey, we slumber and lumber down life's path or do we strive and drive towards something better.  We have been created to be amazing, perfect does our creator design something of less expectation?  No, the amazing design and unique DNA was created to be and bring about awesome results.  We get in the way many times and believe less of our abilities.

The steps we take and the journey we make is everything

Created and Designed and Engineered for greatness

love takes us higher

there will be peaks and yes valleys as well

but in the end we will rise up as we were designed 

Destiny designed and created

Begin today 

Embrace kindness and share love

Be best for you are

Expect the Best

Happy Monday 


Make your dreams come to life

Smile and Share Kindness

Love yourself so you can love others more

Move forward

Stay Safe.

Be filled with the desire and hunger to breathe and move forward.

Share kindness and share a smile!

Embrace always, smile forever and share united.

Victor V Yakin

04  /     26    /  2021

Happy Monday :)

Sunday, April 25, 2021

A new chapter, a new page in a new book of 365 pages ~ 2021 begins your journey ~ Appreciate the Differences ~ Stillness and the quiet

 Time spent with stillness is time well spent.  Alone with your thoughts, your idea's and quiet to hear the world spin in your favor.  The world spins in your favor if you allow it.   It also will pin against you if you perceive and allow it to.  Pick the favor that supplies your altitude, that gives happiness and joy.  Share the positivity with those around you.  

Embrace the stillness 

Allow it to embrace you as well

Explore your inner depths

Light the path to your deepest thoughts

Rise up with the knowledge that will enhance your path

Expect the Best

Hope for Better 

Embrace what you can control

Like a candle to a flame mind you the flame usually goes to the candle

In life our lives we are the candle and we need to find the flame

We have the spirit and the guidance from within

Use it to be the best to improve to be quiet and still and grow from within

Happy Sunday : )


Make your dreams come to life

Smile and Share Kindness

Love yourself so you can love others more

Move forward

Stay Safe.

Be filled with the desire and hunger to breathe and move forward.

Share kindness and share a smile!

Embrace always, smile forever and share united.

Victor V Yakin

04  /     25    /  2021

Happy Sunday :)

Saturday, April 24, 2021

A new chapter, a new page in a new book of 365 pages ~ 2021 begins your journey ~ Appreciate the Differences ~ Friends and Fun

 The weekend is here, may your time be well spent with family and friends, laughter and fun and may memories be made.  Laughter is a great healing medicine for the soul and perhaps the world.  May we make it and spend it on each other !

May the fun get deep this weekend and the laughter deeper

We ha de all experience extreme laughter that does not quit until a side may hurt 

Hopefully  we can embrace those moments, more often

Happy Saturday enjoy our fun and may it be deep with laughter and love

Smiles Sent 


Make your dreams come to life

Smile and Share Kindness

Love yourself so you can love others more

Move forward

Stay Safe.

Be filled with the desire and hunger to breathe and move forward.

Share kindness and share a smile!

Embrace always, smile forever and share united.

Victor V Yakin

04  /     24    /  2021

Happy Saturday   : )

Friday, April 23, 2021

A new chapter, a new page in a new book of 365 pages ~ 2021 begins your journey ~ Appreciate the Differences ~ Silence and Smile

Two words that will have a major impact in your ability to navigate through this world as we experience more with silence and give more with a simple smile.

We can and will grow through more kindness and increased focus on the experience being richer for all not just a select few.

Increase your reflection

Focus on character for better

Judgment that is fair and firm

Two powerful tools

Smile and Happy Friday 

and listen your way with silence into this weekend

Enjoy : )


Make your dreams come to life

Smile and Share Kindness

Love yourself so you can love others more

Move forward

Stay Safe.

Be filled with the desire and hunger to breathe and move forward.

Share kindness and share a smile!

Embrace always, smile forever and share united.

Victor V Yakin

04  /    23   /  2021

Happy Friday   : )


Thursday, April 22, 2021

A new chapter, a new page in a new book of 365 pages ~ 2021 begins your journey ~ Appreciate the Differences ~ Digging Deep

 All of us have moments of surface tremors that ask is this enough, am I enough, is this all there is ?  We have these moment when we hit good roads that seem to be smooth, we almost think that when is the trouble going to hit, we start to imagine the smooth roads becoming rough.  So goes our surface emotions and thats when it is time to dig deeper.  Go deeper into looking what we have accomplished and what more we can do.  Don't get into the falling rocks that slip under your feet dig deeper with your thoughts that become things.

The path to happiness is always within

Arise and dig deeper

Stay fluid in your inspection

Your strengths are everything 

Focus on them

The roots firmly planted are needed for long term growth

Examine your roots

The fountain of goodness awaits

Let it flow to your surface

Embrace it and share it

Dig deeper you will find it 

It is always there

Happy Thursday 


Make your dreams come to life

Smile and Share Kindness

Love yourself so you can love others more

Move forward

Stay Safe.

Be filled with the desire and hunger to breathe and move forward.

Share kindness and share a smile!

Embrace always, smile forever and share united.

Victor V Yakin

04  /    22   /  2021

Happy Thursday   : )