Thursday, March 1, 2012

G.A.S. ~ Do you have it? ~ March 01, 2012

G. A. S. (Goal Achievement Spirit)

Goals are meant to be stepping stones to the side that we wish to go towards.

Achievement is the end of the process that the goal started.

Spirit is the container in your soul that holds your passion to get the job done.

The whole month of March 2012 is devoted to the topic of Goals. The why and the how, some mechanics no doubt explained.  The purpose of a goal and the importance to slice them down to enjoyable bites, not only for ease but for momentum and achievement.

On a personal note I am glad to be back with you.  I missed you all.

I took off 7 days for me.  I enjoy the act of writing and publishing these posts and I would have a problem walking away, I think I would.  I missed the typing and the flow of my thoughts to the screen.  So I am back and I hope you enjoy the pace and the flow.

I will be sharing just one post per day.  Two was consuming me.  I was doing one in the morning and one at night and it just got ... well I am back to one.  Most bloggers type once or twice a week and I have always chosen to type out something each day.  It is kind of welcome to the day for you all and a good morning post.  So back I am and thank you for your kind emails and comments.

I do appreciate them so.  Thank you. : ) Smiles to you.

So back to the topic of Goal Achievement Spirit.  My thought on G.A.S. is simply this.  If you don't have the right mind set and mental approach your dooming your goal right from the start.  Sure you want the goal to come true but a half hearted attempt is what your giving if you do not have the spirit, thats you inside committed fully to saying this is what I want and I am going to achieve it.  No matter what.  NO MATTER WHAT.

The Spirit is the container in your soul that holds your passion to get the job done.

So how is your spirit today.  How does communicate with the rest of you.  Your plans for the day are they clear or a bit foggy.  Do you have any plans or are you running on a sort of auto pilot


Same Old Stuff (I cleaned it up)

If you are in a routine in your life, the same things over and over again perhaps your in that cycle that will indeed hold you back from achieving your goals.  The rut is perhaps keeping your wheels from getting back on the road, sort of speak.  So we need to nudge, push, pull or drag you back onto the road of life with that Goal Achievement Spirit. The G.A.S. to get you and your dreams out of the same old, same old path that your running on.

Your spirit and beliefs and values are everything.  That is why spoken gratitude and regular journaling is so important. You establish a trend of constant appreciation and love for self, for the world around you.  Powerful stuff once you understand and use it on a daily basis.

When we take time for self and our inner spirit with prayer and mediation and really listen to that inner voice and hear that options lay before us.  We start to feel our path not just trod along in some desperate zombie like trance.  We choose better when we hear more and feel what we truly want.

So enough for today.  The Goal Achievement Spirit or G.A.S. has been explained.

Glad to be back and as always smiles and joy sent your way : )

New Affirmation for the Month of March ..... Use it daily and feel the change in you.

I walk with confidence and understanding towards success. Born into a perfected state I strive to achieve my intended purpose, to love, to share and care for self and for others that come in contact with me.  I choose to be happy and share laughter.  Making a difference in another persons life for the better gives positive and ever flowing energy into my world.  I am focusing on my goals, the this moment goal, this day, my weekly goals and monthly goals I achieve because of my spirit and focus.

Quote of the Day

People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are.
I don't believe in circumstances.
The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want. And if they cant, make them.

: o ) George Bernard Shaw


Smiles to you this day and everyday : )

Sharing a smile ~  Sending you love ~  Pass it on

: )

brought to you by Make ME Smile Online
written by Victor Yakin copyright protected 2011* 2012