Monday, June 8, 2009

Not Until

Often, more than once have I heard that we are unable to make a life change until we hit bottom. Until we have no where else to go but up. What a sad comment that we all have heard and many stay in denial until it is almost to late. Why?

A quote we want to share:

“Not until we are lost do we begin to understand ourselves.”
Henry David Thoreau quotes (American Essayist, Poet and Philosopher, 1817-1862)

So in other words, not until we are in so much need for help do we find it, ask for it or get it. How sad huh? Okay, so some us stay in denial, we tell ourselves there is no problem here. Not until we ride the roller coaster of life and for whatever reason the brakes don't work do we start to realize we are in trouble.

“The best way to find yourself
is to lose yourself
in the service of others.”

Mahatma Gandhi
Leader, Indian National Movement

So at times we find ourselves lost, we lost our smile, we lost our way, we lost our dreams. So what do we do?

Lets first talk about preventive action, the before we get there, to this place of feeling lost, of feeling isolated and feeling alone even in a crowd of people.

Step one ~ Show yourself gratitude on a daily basis. Use if you have not started a Gratitude Journal. Even if it is a small note pad, define what is good in your life.

Step two ~ Become a giver of kindness and love to others. Serve and seek out people who need your help. Donate your time, or an ear and share with others most are lacking in life. Attention and kindness!

Step three ~ Be kind to yourself, give yourself a break. Smile in a mirror at yourself. Give yourself a can do and will do pep talk. Don't forget my Yoda quote, you remember Yoda from Star Wars his words of wisdom.

Do or not do, there is no try

Ok so now what about if your already there. You feel lost, your at the bottom and maybe you think you can still fall even further.

What should we do?

Step one and maybe the only step that matters most!

Accept yourself, realize that your a great person, filled with greatness, filled with love, filled with abilities that only you possess. Yes I am talking a pep talk here. Go back in your mind when you had succeeded!

Step two ~ Take small steps into small goals that you can achieve. Plan, plan and plan more for the question you should be asking yourself right now.

Where do I want to be right now?
What do I want to be doing right now?
What could I be doing right now, not later but now, that can change my moment and improve the quality of my life?

Right now! Take Action here, not later, right now!

Step three ~ Watch your results, measure your results and rework your actions.

These three steps are filled with action here!
Realization of where you are! Acceptance for who you are now.

Not until you start being kind to you and taking responsibility for where you are right now can you change your path.

Life is a challenge my friend and nothing worth while is ever easy.

But live a life of giving and not until you give to yourself can you really serve another.

I leave you with a Jewish Proverb which I believe puts into realization what we should all want for ourselves as we take this journey of life. It is as follows:

“When we come into the world, we are crying and those around us are
smiling. Our goal should be to lead our lives in such a way that when we
leave, we are smiling and those around us are crying.”

Take these words to heart and live a life that others will without a doubt thank you for. On our website at MMSO we have a quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson that I try to live be.

It goes like this:

To laugh often and much;

To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children;

To earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends;

To appreciate beauty, to find the best in others;

To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition;

To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived.

This is to have succeeded.

--- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Till next time.... Smile, Make a difference in not only someone else's life but in your own!

: )